Tuesday, October 26, 2004

X-Type Jaguar - Crossing Over

5 'webisodes' using film and Anime to promote the new X-Type in the US.

The problem is the films are a bit dull. Why should we care, or return to watch the next episode?
Jeep event, archived online

New Jeep Grand Cherokee climbs Two Penn Plaza to show off abilities

Friday, October 22, 2004

More about Scion - ScionDrive, an annual owners event


ScionDrive Launches the First Annual Regional Scion Owners Event in Louisville, Kentucky.

ScionDrive, is announcing today the first live concert event to highlight the debut of its Scion Owners’ Website launching November 2, 2004. Learn more at http://www.sciondrive.com/event/event.html/
(PRWEB) October 20, 2004 -- ScionDrive, underwritten by Hammer Marketing, is a regional forum dedicated to the Scion Owners. ScionDrive will merge the online forum community with live events and entertainment geared primarily to the Scion Owner. Scion Drive will launch with a strong online forum presence, and expand quickly into offering the ability to upload footage, pictures, and event commentaries from all Scion events.
According to David M. Bock, Creative Director for Hammer Marketing, the most unique feature of this project is the focus on live Scion events. Bock goes on to say that bringing live events into the online forum will unite the Scion community.
Nicole Parr, Lead Project Designer for ScionDrive, states that, “It is not enough to simply be an online forum, our members want a support structure for their real world interests.” “We envision a community website streaming live event footage, news and entertainment from around the world”, Parr says, “the sharing of ideas and experiences is why we are doing this.” Learn more at http://www.sciondrive.com/event/event.html
About Hammer Marketing
Hammer Marketing is a full service marketing agency primarily serving automotive clients. Their goal is to promote automotive clients while upholding a high level of integrity and ingenuity. Hammer Marketing is a division of Buyers Acceptance, which has been servicing automotive loans since 1992. The people at Hammer Marketing have been in and around the automotive industry for over a decade. Hammer Marketing is focused on marketing campaigns and customer centric programs that bring credibility and integrity into automotive advertising. The Hammer Marketing site is under construction and will be available in the near future.
New 3rd Party Car Site - Car TV

As it says:

Are you interested in purchasing a new vehicle? Not sure what you want or if you selected the best car for your price range?
Check out the CarTV vehicle broadcast to learn what owners and professional car reviewers have to say about the models you like.
If you find a vehicle that interests you, submit a free price quote request and a local Car.com dealer will contact you within minutes!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Thursday, October 14, 2004

New Honda game in the UK - designed to promote their new environmentally friendly Deisel engine. Obvious nods to Pac Man, but also other games with movement between the different levels of the environment

Very sophisticated for a car site game.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Italian Modus Site

No direct mentions of the car, just creating a mood
Very poor German Landrover site

Shakey, and not very interactive...